Brost Land and Cattle Sale - Postponed
Due to Covid and unforeseen circumstances the Brost Land & Cattle sale has been rescheduled to January 28, 2021. BAR-RZ are in the thick of calving at that time; we have had to make the tough decision to pull out of the sale. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our fellow cattle breeders. We wish all the best to the Brost Family for their up coming sale. Our sale lots are still available by Private Treaty.
*For information on each animal click on the photo*
The 2020 calves received Fermicon 7 and Pyramid FPS + Presponse on May 3/20. All cattle will receive Ivomec prior to the sale. Bred heifers were preg checked safe on Sept. 30/20. All sale Bull calves will be halter broke.